Checks you should carry out on your car before a long journey

June 09, 2021 | by Best Car Storage

With summer almost upon us, day trips and staycations are certain to be the talk of every household. After more than a year of lockdown living - give or take a few periods of partial freedom! - everyone will be eager to hit resume on their lives, indulge in those long overdue catch ups with family and friends, and start ticking off those destinations on that travel bucket list once again!

If you’re planning to take a staycation or day trip this summer, and are travelling by car, being prepared for the journey to and from your chosen destination is essential. In this blog post, we reveal the checks you should carry out on your car before embarking on your post-lockdown trip.



As the car component that sits between you and the open road, your tyres should be an integral part of your maintenance schedule. They also need extra care before long journeys.

Over- and under-inflated tyres can both cause issues, affecting how your car performs throughout the driving experience. Before any long journey, be sure to check the condition, tread depth and pressure of your tyres.



The presence of coolant is vital to the function of your car. This essential fluid actively cools the engine and prevents your vehicle from overheating, especially during summer.

With this in mind, your coolant level must be checked on a regular basis. Before your journey, if the coolant has dropped below the minimum level as indicated on the dipstick, it must be topped up.



Ensuring good visibility throughout your journey is crucial to safety. Before you hit the road, top up your screenwash with a pre-mixed solution.

In addition to this, checking the condition of your windscreen wipers is also recommended. Like many parts of your vehicle, your wipers are subject to wear and tear. Without replacement, it’ll be even more difficult to shift dirt and debris from your windscreen whilst driving, which can be particularly frustrating on a long journey, not to mention dangerous. Replace your windscreen wipers if you need to before setting out.



This is another essential fluid. As with your coolant, use the dipstick to check that your vehicle’s oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks.

As well as providing a secure facility to store your vehicle, we provide professional servicing to ensure your car is prepared for anything. Contact us now to discuss your storage or servicing requirements.