

"I found your facility via google search and your website was very useful, however, your response to my questions by email was both friendly and very helpful. The process of booking a place and having my Aston collected by covered transport was very straightforward and all went perfectly to plan. I would definitely use you again and highly recommend to anyone looking for a professional and personable service."

Nissan 350Z

"I found out about SCRACS after searching online for a car storage company to keep my pride and joy covered over winter. I chose to use SCRACS because of the secure location and I will definitely be using SCRACS again in the near future."

We were sorry to drive our car away

"We receive some lovely “thank you” emails from our customers, and the latest comes from Ali and Paul MacDonald, who had tasked us with looking after their lovely Jaguar XKR.

Based in Central London, they’ve recently decided to take their pride and joy and explore the south coast at the weekends. And it was this adventurous spirit that was the only reason for removing it from our ultra-secure car storage facility in Northamptonshire, as Ali explained:

“Paul and I were very sorry to drive our car away from Wood Farm yesterday. We loved the chance to have a long chat with Leigh and Tim and his wife, and meet the delightful Archie [the resident SCRCS pooch] before we said our goodbyes.

“Thank you for your wonderful scenic tips and recommendations. We had a delicious lunch at The Plough yesterday before we headed off to West Sussex to the new storage facility (which is not a patch on yours but just easier for us to access from London).”

A big thanks from all of us at SCRACS, Ali and Tim! We’re sure our paths will cross again in the future…"


" looked at a wide range of secure storage options and from this it was clear that SCRACS were offering 'state of the art' facilities for classic and race cars at an affordable price, by people who love cars.

When I got in touch with a last minute request to see if they could help, I was met with an immediate, and welcoming, response - and within 48 hours Leigh and father Tim arrived to collect the car from my house.

This meant that I could go into hospital for an operation then recuperate with family elsewhere, in the knowledge that the car was safe and sound in a controlled environment.

Recovery in my case was quicker than expected so a friend helped by driving me to Silverstone and Leigh very kindly made the car ready for collection early.

So, once again, I was re-united with my silver Twin Turbo Mk IV Supra, now officially a classic after 25 years, looking immaculate and ready to roll.

By way of celebration, we took Leigh's advice and had an excellent impromptu lunch nearby at The Plough - many thanks to all involved in a great day out."

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